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WaveLink, Inc. Serves as Table Sponsor for American Values Event

WaveLink, Inc. was proud to serve as a table sponsor for the American Values event, hosted by the Talakto District, Greater Alabama Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The American Values serves as a corporate Friends of Scouting fundraising event, but where we recognize those individuals in the Huntsville/Madison County area who have contributed to the community in the spirit of the Scout Oath and Law.

This year, we recognized Bill Roark (founder of Torch Technologies and the co-founder and CEO of Starfish Holdings, parent company of Torch); Jim Hudson, co-founder of the Hudson-Alpha Institute for Biotechnology; and @Lynn Sevigny, long-time Scouting volunteer in Madison County. Each of these individuals received the Heart of Eagle Award in recognition of their long-time service to our community.

James Charlton (Jim), WaveLink Director of EXPRESS Programs, served as emcee for the event. Jim has also served as the Creek and Talakto District Commissioner for the past 27 years and is a member of the Talakto District Key-3. WaveLink has proudly sponsored this event ad Friends of Scouting for several years.

Please help us congratulate the winners of this prestigious award!

#WaveLinkInc #WaveLinkHuntsville #HuntsvilleAL #BoyScoutsofAmerica#BSA #HeartofEagleAward